Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Food For Thought: TRY EVERYTHING!

Hey positive people! As some of you may know, especially if you are one of my Facebook friends, I usually have an "Affirmation of the Day" which will be my positive thought or declaration for that particular day. Well, today's affirmation is "I see every opportunity that comes my way." and I can't tell you how true that one is for me!

In the past few years my life has drastically changed. Some of you may already know my weight loss story (and if you don't, please feel free to check it out, hopefully my story gives you the motivation and faith you may need to overcome any obstacles you may be having), I've lost over 60 lbs and with that weight loss, I not only changed on the outside but the inside, too. Starting any weight loss journey, whether it be to lose 10 lbs or 100 takes courage and as the weight began to shed, I gained a lot of confidence in myself! Losing weight is hard work! With every pound lost, I gained the self-confidence to know that I can truly do anything I set my mind to. "Seeing every opportunity that comes my way" has kinda' been my mantra every since.

The affirmation, "I see every opportunity that comes my way" basically means TRY EVERYTHING! Just think, what if I had never ceased the opportunity to try a new weight loss program? Or begin exercising? I know that I wouldn't be the same person that I am today! And I most definitely wouldn't be sitting here writing this post to you. We've only got one life to live people! There's no going back. Never let fear hold you back from doing something that could potentially change your life and the lives of people around you in a positive way. In the past year I have tried so many things! Let's see... I've tried out to be a fitness instructor (and passed!), I've went back to school in hopes of becoming a Dietitian, tried my own at home fitness business, inquired about becoming a makeup artist and looked into entering cosmetology school for that, I've started two blogs,... the list goes on and on. Some have been fails, others successes, but nothing beats a failure but a try!  Everything's not for everybody, there's no getting around that, some people have a talent for some things that others don't, and you may give something a try and realize that although you can do it, it's just not your cup of tea and there's nothing wrong with that. But how will you ever know unless you give it a try?

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