Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Consider The Source

Hello positive people! This post will be short & sweet. One piece of advice my father gave me a long time ago that I find helps me deal with any negative person I come in contact with is this: "Consider the source." 3 small words that hold a lot of weight! 

I'm the type of person who has always had a pretty positive attitude. Why wouldn't I? I have no real reason to complain. I was blessed with wonderful parents who gave me a safe, loving home to grow up in, always had clothes on back, food on the table and my home was never short of hugs or kisses. Not everyone is this blessed and I think when you really realize this it gives you a better outlook on life in general.

Have you ever known or met someone who just never seemed to be in a good mood? Their mood depends on day (or even the hour in some cases), they always have something complain about, never a good word to say about anyone or anything, never short of a snide remark or comment to say behind someone's back, jealous, petty...  I could go on and on but you get the picture, just plain negative. I know have! And I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this has encountered people like this as well. I used to get so upset when I came in contact with people like that. I just didn't understand it. Don't get me wrong, I've never been so naive to to think that everyone's life has been like mine or that bad things don't happen to innocent people because in fact they do, and quite often, but my brain never made the connection until I really understood the meaning behind my father's words: CONSIDER THE SOURCE. Consider the source meaning, everyone hasn't had it easy and due to certain life circumstances some people are just going to be the way they're going to be. But you also have those people who have had a great life but are just negative, hateful people for no real reason at all. Either way, they're not changing until they're ready and in the meantime they're really not worth you're time or effort. Being around people like that results in one of several things, you either wind up getting into an argument and/or fight with them, become emotionally drained from their drama causing you to become depressed or upset, or worst of all, start to become just like them! Don't let the negativity rub off on you in any way! The best thing you can actually do is pray for them and keep it moving.

So the next time you find yourself confronted with a negative person, perhaps someone being spiteful or hateful to you or others for no reason at all, take a deep breath, relax and consider the source.

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