Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life Is Good

You know, sometimes with all the trials and tribulations in our life (we're often overworked, stressed out, worried, bored, the expectations that we had for our life didn't quite work out the way we originally planned... etc.) we forget that life is a blessing and we should just be thankful that we're here. It's no accident or coincidence that we were put on this planet - no matter what the circumstances surrounded around your birth were. Every life is a blessing and carved out way before any of knew any better. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! Hold on to that true statement and never let it go! Many of us do not know what it is yet or some of us know but are finding it difficult to get there, but God's got this! Let Him do the planning for you, all we ever have to do is open our eyes and ears to Him and He will show us the way. Now don't get me wrong, these words are easier said than done, but it can be done if we just trust and believe in Him to order our steps. I say all this to say, LIFE IS GOOD! We, myself included, complain so much about the little everyday things, we often say or think to ourselves that life isn't fair, but as my mother once told me,"who ever promised you that life would be fair?" The answer would be NO ONE. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that because we follow Him our troubles will be light, in fact, it's very much the opposite. BUT (and this a big but) with Him by our side we can endure this world and all it's troubles much easier than without Him.

Hope this encourages someone today to know that no matter what the circumstance or problems you may be facing in this life, that life really is good and a blessing that we should not take for granted.

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