Friday, February 18, 2011

The Golden Rule

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  

I know you've probably heard that saying a thousand times, but have you ever really took the time to get into what that truly means? I try to live my life by this saying but I'll admit that it's not as easy as it sounds. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" means that no matter how unkind or mean a person acts towards you, no matter how bad your situation is or how you feel life has treated you, you've still got to show everyone walking in this world with you the same kindness & respect that you would want to receive from them. And that my positive peeps is no easy task! I've recently been dealing with people in my life that have put me to the test! I'm proud to say that with God's help I think I'm passing. :)

It's hard remaining positive in such a negative filled world. Just think about it... every time you turn on the t.v or radio, pick up a newspaper or magazine to read, or even open your Internet browser, the news is filled with negative people and situations that make it real easy for you to jump ship and join the rest of the world. (I personally think this is one of the reasons there as so many negative, mean spirited people in the world. As we all know, we are often a product of our environment.) Getting past that alone is hard, but I also realize the circumstances and situations that a lot of us have had to go through (and are still going through) in our lives, and those things can cause us to develop a negative spirit as well.

As we all know, life isn't fair. I wish that it was, but it isn't and there's no changing that. Sometimes you are rewarded for your kindness and other times kindness is its own reward, either way, know that good things come to those who honor God's word. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" isn't just the golden rule for life, but it's also one God's commandments. He knows, better than you or I, that it's not going to be easy and we're going to fail at times, possibly many times, but His word still remains the same, and I personally believe that you can never be punished for keeping God's word. Things may seem bad but I guarantee you that if you treat people the way that you would want to be treated, there will be a reward in the end. Sometimes you see it and sometimes you don't. For instance, sometimes the reward is the positive change your actions of kindness and goodwill made in the person's life who you didn't even realize was watching and taking note of your positive example! Funny, huh? :) It's amazing how God works sometimes! And being kind to others can actually reward you in the long run as well because you never know when that person you treated so nicely may be in the position to help you out one day. 

So while I realize it can be hard, I encourage you to keep The Golden Rule.  It helps spread the positivity around, and that's what we're all about, right? :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this my positive people, hope it hit your mind & soul in the right places. 'Till next time...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

BOOM! There He Is!

Hello positive peeps! It's been awhile but I haven't forgot you. This will be a short but very meaningful post. I basically just wanted to take some time out to write about how good God is. Does that offend you? I hope not. I realize that everyone whose reading this may not be a Christian like myself or even think about God but I do and I can't honestly say that I apologize for me giving Him thanks because I will never be ashamed of the One who gives me the positivity that it takes to keep this blog and this girl (i.e - me) running.  I named this blog "Mind & Soul" for a reason, "Mind & Soul" was created to inspire, encourage, and spread positivity (check the banner up top) and it's my personal belief that the only way a person can really have that effect is by having God in their lives. He inspires me to inspire you and I think that is awesome! I was inspired to write this post because God never ceases to amaze me! Think about it... just when you think you've got this thing called your life all figured out, BOOM! There He is! Coming right out of what seems like nowhere to shake things up a bit, but no worries, it's always for your good! You gotta' love Him, or at least acknowledge Him, for that! I know I do!

So that's it, just a quick post to remind us all where all our blessings and positivity come from. I'm no superwoman nor am I perfect. I don't do this alone, none of us do. We have to remember to be thankful for someone who will never let us down. Just remember, when things seem to be at their lowest point, never fear or worry because just when you think you can't take it anymore, just when you've accepted what you think is how it's going to be, BOOM! There He is! 

More positive posts coming soon... Hope everyone has an awesome day!