Thursday, December 9, 2010

"I can and will handle any situation life throws at me in a healthy way."

Hello friends! It's December 9th, 2010, we've got less than 30 days left until a brand new year and with 2011 just around the corner, it's got me thinking about 2010 as a whole and I have to admit, for me, it's been a rough one. While this year has most definitely had it's "ups" there have also been some "downs." The ups? Well, let me start off by saying that God is always blessing me and I thank Him for it. There have been more ups than downs and that in itself is a blessing. In 2010 I accomplished a lot! Tried a lot of new positive things, made a lot of new positive friends and have learned a lot about myself in the process. I'm not the same person today as I was at the start of the year, I've changed for the better (mind, body and soul) and I'm grateful for that. The downs? Well, let's just say I've had my share of disappointments in people where if I didn't have a personal relationship with God would have really sent me into a deep depression. By most people's accounts I'm a "happy go lucky", positive, cheerful person, but everyone has their moments and I've had more than my usual share this past year. The enemy never wants to see you happy and is always trying to crush your spirit. But you know what? God is so good! He turned my bad situations into blessings in disguise because I learned a lot from them and became stronger, wiser, and more focused on Him. And anything that brings you closer to God is a blessing.

With the start of every new year, people are always making these "New Year's Resolutions", which is fine if that's your thing (it's never been mine) but the you know the problem is most people never stick to them. Well I have a resolution for 2011 that I think we all should make and if we support and encourage each other it's totally doable. The resolution? "I can and will handle any situation life throws at me in a healthy way."

Let's face it, life just isn't fair sometimes. In fact, most times. And it often seems the older we get, the more life throws at us. But during this upcoming year, whenever we find ourselves in a hard situation, put that sentence in your head: "I can and WILL handle any situation life throws at me in a healthy way." So instead of taking a negative approach to the situation (screaming, yelling, drinking... etc.), take a deep breath, relax, and know that no matter what, you're going to be okay. Choose not to respond negatively. You may be surprised at the blessings that could be in store just by choosing to deal with it in positive way. With God for you, who can be against you? NO ONE! So trust in Him and know that you can and will get through it!

Oh, and one more thing, you know how I mentioned that "New Year's Resolutions" have never been my thing? Why put off tomorrow what you can do today? Don't wait until 2011, make "I can and will handle an situation life throws at me in a healthy way." your new mantra and start living it today!

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