Friday, August 12, 2011

Staying Sane In An Insane World

"Staying Sane In An Insane World." What a title, huh? You know how I mentioned in my last post that when you're in a bad mood it may seem like everyone around you has an attitude but the reality is that it's really only you who is in the bad mood? Well, switch that up, turn it around, because we're doing a complete 180 in this post. When trying to live a happy, positive, moral, and in my case, Christian life, there are many times where you may feel like the "odd man out" but in reality, it's not really you, but them. And when I say "them" I don't want you to think that I mean anyone who isn't a Christian (I'm not that close-minded and I have no prejudices), I'm talking about the negative, amoral people out there who are more interested in spreading & promoting negativity rather than keeping it positive. They out number us and sometimes it can truly feel like you are the only sane ones in an insane world. But know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. While positive people like myself may be "unpopular", there are plenty of us around.

I've found that people who have a passion for fitness and being healthy are some of the most positive, inspiring people to be around! You just can't be a "negative nelly" when you've got all those endorphins going! A couple of years ago, I went to Orange County, California for Chalene Johnson's "Camp Do More - 2010" event. It's a 3 day fitness camp held at The Hilton Anaheim Hotel. I went by myself, not knowing anyone. I just knew that I loved Turbo Kick and I wanted to be around some like-minded people who felt the same way I did. I came out of the whole experience meeting a lot of new people, making a lot of new friends, and feeling like it was easy to do so.

I say all that to say that not only is exercise a positive habit, good for not only your body but your mind & soul as well, but being around like minded people helps you realize that you're not alone in this world. There are other positive people out there, living their day to day lives, trying to make a difference, just like you. While I have to admit that I am sort of bias on the whole exercise thing, I can accept that may not be your "thing". Everything's not for everybody. But finding an interest and surrounding yourself with other people who share that same passion is essential!

So, yes, this world can be crazy sometimes, most times in fact. But it is possible to make it through! Have a wonderful Friday everyone and TGIF!

Your friend,

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